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Bill Rich

Bill Rich

Bill became a rock hound when he was six years old. He has a degree in natural resources management from Colorado Mountain College in Leadville, Colorado. He also attended Colorado State University in Fort Collins for advanced instruction in geology. Bill also has a fine arts degree in photography from the San Francisco Art Institute in California.

Bill has worked for major mining companies doing historical Inventories and documentation of mine and mill sites, and for the US Geological Survey and other government agencies in major research projects. You can visit his website at
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Read Articles by Bill Rich
Gold and Rare Earth Elements in New Mexico

Jadeite in California

Gold Refining In The Ancient World

Why Did This Silver Mine Close? -Conclusion

Why Did This Silver Mine Close? - Pt III

Why Did This Silver Mine Close? Pt II

Why Did This Silver Mine Close?

Drilling for Ore

Strategic Metals—Part II

Strategic Metals—Part I

The Long Road to Gold Point, Nevada

The Oquirrh Mountains, Utah

A Journey Into the Silver Peak Range

The Many Facets of Iron

Heavy Sands Mining

The Robinson Mine—Big Things Happen Here

Extraction of Precious Metals Using Froth Flotation

The Rush to Treasure Hill

Goldfield—Princess of the Mojave

The Paradox Basin—Part I

The Paradox Basin—Part II

Newmont's Gold Quarry Mine

The Rocks That Burn: Is Oil Shale the Answer?—Part I

The Rocks that Burn—Part II Is Oil Shale the Answer?


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