July 2017 (Vol. 86, No. 11) $3.75
The Bawl Mill
- World Health Organization gets 5-star rating… for overspending
- Capitol Hill security detail is MVP at baseball shootout
- Texas tells California to get a life
Ask The Experts: What is a Spanish needle?
Some fellow in Texas was selling a Spanish needle—a dousing device used to recover minerals in the old days. Do you know anything about these?
Ask The Experts: Sulfides and fluxes
The concentrate is just the heaviest of the heavy minerals but some sulfides are sneaking in there also with the gold...
Legislative and Regulatory Update
- Property rights advocate in running for top BLM spot
- “Draining the swamp” at Interior
Simple Rules of Gold Geology: Comparing Epithermal and Mesothermal Deposits
Geology is a science of general tendencies with frequent exceptions, not one of hard and fast rules that are always true and never vary. For almost every well-accepted rule of gold deposits, I can point you to a number of important exceptions.
The "Madonna Nugget"—A Weekend Hunt to Remember
I worked my way to a flat area along a ridge where I could see a quartz blowout. As I got within 100 feet of it, I started seeing rock that I knew to be associated with gold.
The Goldfield Mining District, Nevada—Part II
The majority of the gold produced in Goldfield has come from ores that are close enough to the surface to be oxidized by the air. This oxidized ore is normally a soft, shattered, earthy material usually stained yellow to brown by oxides of iron.
MMAC Update
This is the third trip MMAC has made to DC this year, so some of the congressional staff members are gaining a better understanding of the current problems miners face and how MMAC-assisted Mining Districts can alleviate those problems.
Sunset Sunbaker
He began hiking my way and was as astonished as I was when he saw it. Another high five moment! It makes you wonder how long this gold had just been sitting there on the ground.
A Prospecting Adventure in Mexico
There you’re expected to be personally responsible in making decisions, and yes, it can be costly. When you are responsible for your own life, you live life more, and with it you certainly risk more.
Critical Minerals: Tungsten
Because tungsten minerals are heavy, exploration can be done using stream sediment samples. Prospectors looking for gold have found scheelite or wolframite in their placer concentrates, and in some cases this has led them to make important tungsten finds.
Police Urge Author to End Treasure Hunt
The plea from State Police Chief Pete Kassetas follows what authorities believe is the latest death related to the effort to uncover Forrest Fenn’s treasure.
Melman on Gold & Silver
To say that the international environmental community took exception to President Trump’s decision to remove America from the 2016 Paris Accord would be an understatement of enormous proportions.