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Small Mining Operations

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Smaller operations

Wealth Beyond Your Wildest Imagination

“Wealth beyond your wildest imagination.” Those were the words that were used to inform me of how much gold was in a paleo channel that exists beneath the present channel of the Similkameen River in the State of Washington; words that have echoed in my mind for the past sixteen years.

Gold in Guyana—Part II: Process Optimization at Sacre Coeur Minerals' Lower Puruni Alluvial Mining Project

In Part Two of my two-part series I describe the mechanized alluvial gold mining operation on the lower Puruni River launched by Sacre Coeur Minerals in 2011.

Gold in Guyana—Part I: Porknocking on the Puruni River Road

In part one of this two-part series on gold in Guyana, I describe artisanal mining efforts currently winning alluvial gold from small-scale placer operations located along the lower Puruni River and its tributaries.
Great Specials - See website for details!

Bering Sea Gold—Part II

In last month’s issue we covered the initial discovery of gold, the subsequent gold rush that occurred around Nome, some of the geology of the area and past production. We’ll conclude the article in this issue with a further examination of the geology and deposit types, discuss the resources...

Bering Sea Gold—Part I

The popularity of the new Discovery Channel series Bering Sea Gold has peaked interest in what gold resources are offshore of Nome, Alaska. The Cape Nome mining district is world famous...

A High Price to Pay

Over the last several months, starting from before I left for Australia, I’ve been working on getting all the 2011 paperwork done for my mining claims. I will admit that some parts of the paperwork I let go until only a week or two before the due date.
GOLD SCREW - Process concentrates better and faster!

Good Assays and Bad

The high prices for gold and silver are exciting and certainly have revolutionized the prospecting and mining scene. New interest in gold and silver mining is springing up from every corner, from individual prospectors armed with gold pans to exploration and mining companies working to set up multimillion dollar commercial operations producing hundreds of thousands of ounces per year. The idea of getting riches from rocks is one that motivates a lot of folks all over the globe. It’s an exciting time, but this excitement brings out another side...

Who is a Qualified Person?

So you think you have an ore deposit? The work has been long and hard, but there are a few drill holes, lots of samples and assays. The data is in a reliable computer and there may be a mine at the end of the tunnel. What is the likelihood of a profitable operation? Can you raise capital for development or exploration?

Reality of the Klondike

I saw gold this summer. The kind of gold that I haven’t seen since ‘81. The kind of gold that rattles in the pan. The kind of gold that would start a stampede—even in 1898.
Serving Professional and Recreational Prospectors since 1979

River Dredging vs. Creek Dredging—Part II

While river dredging in fast water, don’t be afraid of being swept out of your dredge hole by the current. If this happens—and it most certainly will in fast water—there is no need to panic. Don’t try to swim against the current because you will waste much energy in an effort to conquer the river. Just let it take you downstream.

Nevada Miners: Check Your Claim Markers

The Nevada Senate introduced SB108 in 2009 to prohibit PVC piping utilized by miners to stake mining claims.

Evolution Of A Gold Prospect

The adage of, “The harder I work, the luckier I get,” has profound meaning, but it doesn’t always apply to prospecting.
The BEST Mining Group - and we SELL CLAIMS TOO!

Dredging Tips From The Golden Rogue

Everyone has a bucket list, and one of my items has always been to dredge and dive in a major river, Oregon’s Rogue, with the opportunity to find some chunky gold.

Wyoming's Billion Dollar Nugget—The Trilogy Ends

Our testing over the past 15 years was to confirm or deny the USGS report completed in 1978. Besides the half acre test dig, we completed many additional test digs by hand and with the backhoe.

Dredging The Outside Bend

This stringer was where it was not supposed to be, and it contained nuggets that were not supposed to be there.
Get the pitch correct on your sluice box!

Wyoming's Billion Dollar Nugget—The Trilogy Ends

With eight loads processed, a pumpkin-size rock fell into the hopper, stopping the whole operation until I could lift it out.

Good Research and Bad Luck

With every look at the box I was pulling out a few pickers and a nugget or two. The smile I had the previous night just got bigger and bigger throughout the day.

Wyoming's Billion Dollar Nugget—The Trilogy Ends

The next hurdle to jump was whether the trommel motor would start again after sitting on the desert for six years without being started. The last time it had taken a three foot pipe wrench to bust it loose.

Why Haven't They Mined This Claim?

Improvements in mining equipment and techniques, along with a higher gold price, make many mining properties profitable today that may not have been in the past.

Small-Scale Concentrating and Recovery Methods

The first step in my recovery process after milling the ore to the desired size is to table it. On this particular ore, I get good results milling it to minus 100 mesh.


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