Smaller operations
A Few Methods for Sampling Hardrock Deposits
June 2014
With a little homework and a methodical approach to sampling, a prospector can determine if a deposit is worthy of more of an investment...
With a little homework and a methodical approach to sampling, a prospector can determine if a deposit is worthy of more of an investment...
Exploring Placers with Auger Drills
June 2014
Augers can be used effectively for placer exploration with certain limitations.
Augers can be used effectively for placer exploration with certain limitations.
Crushing Quartz in Calaveras County: A Placer Miner Learns New Tricks
June 2014
I had never run an impact mill before, but anything involving rocks, water and a big electric motor sounded great.
I had never run an impact mill before, but anything involving rocks, water and a big electric motor sounded great.
Ask the Experts
May 2014
Setting up a gravity dredge
Setting up a gravity dredge
Mining for Gold and Sapphires in Montana
April 2014
Fascinated by the sapphires—and the gold that occured with them—he was soon buying parcels of property and setting up his own commercial-scale gravel processing plants.
Recovering Fine Gold with Oleophilic Adhesion
April 2014
Oleophilic means "affinity to or attracted to oils," and this includes gold an diamonds.
Oleophilic means "affinity to or attracted to oils," and this includes gold an diamonds.
Using Structural Clues to Locate Buried Placer Channels
April 2014
They must have assumed the paystreak was spotty and had been mined out, so they never mined as close to the side of the valley as they should have.
They must have assumed the paystreak was spotty and had been mined out, so they never mined as close to the side of the valley as they should have.
Gold Deposits of the Ivory Coast
April 2014
Ivory Coast has considerable gold reserves, and this nation has the largest area of greenstone belts prospective for gold in the continent.
Ivory Coast has considerable gold reserves, and this nation has the largest area of greenstone belts prospective for gold in the continent.
Ask the Experts
March 2014
NOI or POO for small backhoe
NOI or POO for small backhoe
Prospecting Hard Rock
March 2014
We panned out maybe three gold pans of the material and we were shocked at the gold that was there. This rock appeared to be rich.
We panned out maybe three gold pans of the material and we were shocked at the gold that was there. This rock appeared to be rich.
Comments on Gold Rush and Bering Sea Gold Series
March 2014
The 316 Mining Company has not been all that successful, but does not ever seem to learn from their past mistakes.
The 316 Mining Company has not been all that successful, but does not ever seem to learn from their past mistakes.
Hidden Value in Old Tailings
March 2014
The 15 rare earth elements were discovered long after the gold rush began to wane, but demand for them only took off over the past 10 years...
The 15 rare earth elements were discovered long after the gold rush began to wane, but demand for them only took off over the past 10 years...
The Perfect Summer
February 2014
Within the first 3 hours he and I had found pocket after pocket of gold and couldn't wait to tell Levi of our treasure.
Within the first 3 hours he and I had found pocket after pocket of gold and couldn't wait to tell Levi of our treasure.
Gold Placers of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
January 2014
The biggest obstacle is that like many streams on the Kenai Peninsula, high water during the summer months from snow melt and rain can make dredging nearly impossible. The best dredging is in the colder months of the year.
The biggest obstacle is that like many streams on the Kenai Peninsula, high water during the summer months from snow melt and rain can make dredging nearly impossible. The best dredging is in the colder months of the year.
Ask the Experts
December 2013
Ore testing and other advice for starting up a mining operation.
Ore testing and other advice for starting up a mining operation.
Ophir—Possibly the Best Kept Secret in Alaska—Part II
December 2013
I knew the nuggets got into the nugget patch somehow, I just had to figure out how and from what direction they came.
I knew the nuggets got into the nugget patch somehow, I just had to figure out how and from what direction they came.
Heavy Glacial Rocks and Gold in the Midwest
December 2013
Over the years, I've noticed a pattern in the type of rocks associated with the best gold deposits in Midwestern glacial gravel.
Over the years, I've noticed a pattern in the type of rocks associated with the best gold deposits in Midwestern glacial gravel.
Proper Placer Sample Processing
November 2013
...your sampling procedures should not be designed to catch gold your mining technique will never recover.
...your sampling procedures should not be designed to catch gold your mining technique will never recover.
Ophir—Possibly the Best Kept Secret in Alaska!
November 2013
...I decided to excavate the semi-frozen high-bank that was resting on a soft shale bedrock footing. Within three feet, I encountered an intrusive!
...I decided to excavate the semi-frozen high-bank that was resting on a soft shale bedrock footing. Within three feet, I encountered an intrusive!