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Small Mining Operations

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Smaller operations

One of the Richest Beaches Ever Mined

Everyone has heard of the golden beach at Nome, but Nome did not have the richest beach.

Small-Scale Hard Rock Mining With Water Recycling

Once I have established the presence of gold in the sample, I collect five-gallon bucket quantities of the rock material for processing back at my shop.

Placer Mining At Chititu Creek, Alaska

There is reason to believe these stream valleys are still rich with gold, silver and copper.
Great Specials - See website for details!

How to Field Evaluate A Placer Property

If there is misleading wording anywhere, it will be in the sample data and in reserve/resource estimates.

Small-Scale Processing of Hard Rock Ores

Depending on the ore and if significant sulfides are present, a hard rock miner may be able to get away with simply using a flux to digest the other minerals that may be present.

Finding Gold in Tailing Piles

Old mine workings and tailing piles can represent opportunities on many levels, from the chance to simply find a nugget on up to the commercial reworking of the old tailings for profit.
Proven to catch the finest gold!

Guinea Africa: Gold, Ebola, and a Monkey Barbecue

With great relief, the equipment I chose worked well, and after shoving into three days what should have been ten days of set-up and testing, we were up and running.

The Dredge Report

As a plaintiff in one of the lawsuits, I’m not allowed to talk about specifics in the court-ordered negotiations currently underway in San Bernardino. However, I do want to let you know we are making progress…

Ganes Creek After The Flood

Doug told me that there had been a 100-year flood that took place in October of 2013 and it washed out part of the mile-long landing strip. It also washed a large, wide gully down below and above the camp.
We have all the equipment you need! PLUS, Help us name our Fluorescent Mineral Shaft and win some PAYDIRT! Call for details!!

Wilfley Tables—Repair, Rebuild & Set Up

I researched the Internet and found a number of table makers, but technology has changed in the last 25 years. No one could sell me a kit for a new deck with wooden riffles...

Designing and Evaluating Placer Gold Recovery Plants

For this article, I am focusing on industrial production plants that can handle 10 cubic yards per hour or more and would be fed by a loader or other heavy equipment...

Lode or Placer: What Difference Does It Make?

This explains the large difference in particle sizes between placers and hydrothermal lode deposits, but also means that while the mining may be similar in some cases, the sampling and recovery techniques are usually quite different.
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Ask the Experts

Centrifugal bowls versus jigs

Conductive Minerals and Your Metal Detector

...most prospectors don't even think about the conductivity of minerals, but there are some that do conduct electricity to a certain degree, so metal detectors will respond to them.

A Model Mining Operation

After he excavates the ore down to bedrock, he goes over the bedrock with a metal detector to ensure he didn't leave any gold behind before he backfills the area.
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The Giant King Mine

Most gold-bearing veins in this region are controlled by fractures associated with the Melones Fault, a late Cretaceous structure that is 108 to 127 million years old.

Gold Recovery with Centrifugal Bowls

Centrifugal bowls are very efficient, and with proper operation they can consistently achieve gold recoveries above 95% with gold of about 50 mesh size.

Mining on the Comstock Lode

Even with the decades of mining and exploration, much of the Comstock is still underdeveloped and its potential not fully tapped.

Long-Term Camping Plan at Fortymile Proposed by BLM

A draft environmental assessment of a proposal to allow long-term camping by gold miners along 21 miles of the North Fork of the Fortymile Wild and Scenic River is available from the Bureau of Land Management.

California Dredgers: A Step Closer to Getting Back in the Water

...Judge Ochoa ordered the parties to participate in mandatory settlement hearings starting June 24, 2014.


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