Small Mining Operations
A High Price to Pay
February 2012 by Chris Ralph
Over the last several months, starting from before I left for Australia, I’ve been working on getting all the 2011 paperwork done for my mining claims. I will admit that some parts of the paperwork I let go until only a week or two before the due date.Secrets of Gold Research and Why You Need It
Prospecting may not be as much fun as it once was. If that sounds like you and you want to figure out what to do to get back on the gold and be successful, I’ve got the answer: Research.
Gold in Tertiary Gravels
In some places, semi-continuous sections of riverbed can easily be linked in many places to identify the path of the ancient rivers.
All About Trommels and Screens for Placer Gold Recovery
The right speed accumulates only the heavy materials and allows all of the lighter stuff to flow through. This optimum speed is dependent on the size of the gravel you need to move through the system.
Nice Specimen Gold Recovered in Northern California
Each specimen is carefully examined to determine if it would be beneficial or not to use an acid treatment to reveal more of the gold.
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• Making a noisy dredge more quiet
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Q: How do I improve my small-scale mining operation’s gold production?
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