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Prospectors & Attorneys
May 2009 by R. V. Larson
It is a fact that when most prospectors hear the word attorney they make the sign of the cross and run for cover. I understand all that, but there does come a time when we must face the facts. Sometimes we need them.Foreign Investment Hits More Roadblocks
Chad, Bangladesh, Peru, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are the latest in a long list of countries that have become unfavorable toward foreign-owned mining companies.
Finding Diamond Deposits With Your PC—Part II
As you search for cryptovolcanic structures in Colorado and Wyoming look to see if the anomaly has white soil. If the anomaly lies within a forest of pines, often the depression will occur in a distinct treeless area outlined by aspens and willows.
The Info Is Out There
While I don’t know the exact date of the map, I know it would have been in the late 1800s, as that was when the pioneers made early gold discoveries in this area.
New Mine from Century-Old Gold-Silver Bonanza
It has been a ten-year project to make a new mine from the abandoned 100-year-old mine deep in the Sierra Madre at Dolores, Chihuahua, but the perseverance of Minefinders Corp. is soon to pay off. Once worked by the Mexicans, then...
Over the Divide
Virginia Elvira Russell
(Mining Grandma of Humbug)
March 4, 1999
Gondwana Gold Gravels
The German scientist, Alfred Wegener, came out with his theory of "continental drift" in 1912. He was considered a crackpot and it was half a century before geologists and planetary scientists began to take a second look at his theory.
Melman on Gold & Silver
As we traveled through the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas we saw the combination of mining towns in stagnation but otherwise, incredible displays of prosperity.
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The Bawl Mill
• Technology Opens Promise, Perils of Ocean Mining
• Hot Ground or Large Deep Gold?
• Finding Diamond Deposits With Your PC—Part II
• Mining Expedition at Eagle Rock—Part I
• Subscriber Locates Large Diamond at Arkansas Diamond Park
• Silver City Prospecting Adventures
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
• Gold Pours Again at Jerritt Mine
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Allied Nevada Reactivates Hycroft Mine