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News from the Editor
August 2014 by Scott Harn
After nearly a year in the works, we are officially releasing the online flip version of ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal. The new version is compatible with PC, Mac, iPad or Android devices.Our goal is to reach out to the next generation of prospectors and miners who might prefer reading our monthly issues on their desktop computer or portable device. Before you start worrying, we have no plans whatsoever to discontinue the printed version of our publication!
Those subscribers who have an online subscription, or those who paid the additional $4 annual fee to have online access added to their print subscription, will receive an email when the new flip version is released each month.
If you would like to check out the online version, a free sample copy is available on our website at
One very nice benefit is that all website and email address links in the flip version are “live.” If you click on a website link in an article or in an advertisement, you will be taken to that website. The same is true for email addresses.
On another note, we want to remind you that 2015 mining claim maintenance fees are due on or before September 1, 2014. You can still file the small miner’s waiver in lieu of fees for ten or fewer mining claims, mill or tunnel sites, which is also due on or before September 1, 2014.
Mining claim maintenance and location fees have risen—see "BLM Raises Location and Claim Fees" in this issue for the article.
The Bureau of Land Management has set up an online payment system for all states except Alaska. However, I received an error message when trying it out. I sent off a message to BLM and hopefully they will get the bugs worked out. I recommend that you plan to complete your forms and send in or drop off your payments at this time. Even if they get the payment system up and running, there is always the chance that it could break down when large numbers of miners and prospectors attempt to login at the same time.
Enjoy the last two months of summer and go find yourself some gold.
Scott Harn
ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal
Melman on Gold & Silver
Our initial thought is simply this: why create these artificial currencies, unbacked by any material wealth, when the two items that worked so well century after century—namely gold and silver—are still fully available?
Picks & Pans: Dredging at Douglas Creek, Wyoming
Labor Day! The last chance of the year to do some dredging in Wyoming. Wyoming’s dredging season runs from June through the Labor Day weekend.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• A parting shot from the Clinton Administration
• 43 CFR-3809
• Clinton signs Steens Mountain
• Report denounces EPAs basin cleanup
• Group sues to reverse Sequoia National Monument designation
From the Editor
As we all get back to “normal,” or as close to it as we can, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our advertisers for sticking it out through the hard times.
Looking Back
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.
Picks & Pans: Detecting Micro-Nuggets
Any detector specifically designed to respond to small gold will do. The best ones are the lightest ones with the smallest coils.
Elko County Has Highest State Median Income
New statistics released by the US Census Bureau show Elko County has the highest median family income in Nevada, thanks to the mining industry.
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Bawl Mill
• Ask the Experts
• Ask the Experts
• Conductive Minerals and Your Metal Detector
• A Model Mining Operation
• BLM Raises Location and Claim Fees
• I Finally Made It to Northern Nevada
• Clarification on Oregon's SB838
• Drilling for Ore
• Sniping for Drought Gold
• Successful Rally for Suction Dredge Miners in Idaho
• Over the Divide
• Gold Ores of the Delamar District, Nevada
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices