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PLP and Mining Districts

Miners Making the Rules and Regulations?

How would you like it if you could make the actual rules and regulations governing your own business? A dream, right? Well, the existing Federal Mining Law gives a claimholder this ability in the context of organized Mining Districts.

Why are all the multitude of local, state and federal agencies regulating miners? The Mining Districts have been neglecting their duties under Federal Mining Law (30 U.S.C. section 22). This is why the Minerals and Mining Advisory Council (MMAC) was formed as a project under Public Lands for the People (PLP)—to organize the traditionally and legally recorded Mining Districts within the United States and encourage the miners holding mining claims to step up to the plate, legally, and take charge of their future. Presently MMAC has partnered with the Coal Miners Union, the National Mining Association, PLP, and the National Association of Mining Districts. MMAC is a combined effort by numerous concerned miners, mine owners, geologists, mining engineers, retired politicians, retired military personnel, and mining attorneys who are gravely concerned about the future security of our nation and its increased dependence on foreign sources of mined materials. The utter failure of the present Congress and all the federal and state agencies that are actively shuttering the mining industry through onerous and prohibitive regulation has resulted in the exact opposite of the 1970 National Minerals Policy Act intent. MMAC has been asked by the Congressional House Subcommittee on Natural Resources to put together a comprehensive solution to our industry’s plight. MMAC’s solution integrates within this draft bill named the “Minerals & Mining Regulatory Reform Act – A Clear Path Respecting Mining Rights” true accountability providing: 
  • Regulatory certainty of 30-day approval mitigation deadline 
  • Regulatory certainty of exemptions to the Clean Water Acts
  • Regulatory certainty of exemptions to the Mine Safety and Health Administration
  • Eliminates duplicative regulation by state and local governments
  • Eliminates duplicative federal agency permits and the permit system
  • Provides for Equal Access to Justice Act relief
  • Provides for cost effective due process appeal relief for unreasonable regulation
  • Reasonable regulatory best management standards and mitigation formation procedures
  • Clear environmental standing requirements to eliminate frivolous environmental lawsuits
MMAC’s objectives are advancing methodically and are being well received by the Bureau of Land Management where MMAC has recognized their needed role in this process and this new path. The website has been documenting our progress, as well as the ICMJ, in writing and publishing updates, and has been actively participating in conferences as our new path takes shape to accommodate the industries concerns.
Now, here is where your help is needed. MMAC will be entering into a negotiated contract with retired Congressman Buck McKeon (past chairman of the armed services committee) to help get this bill passed through Congress under and tied to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for budget cycle 2016 since mined materials are of National Security Interests. Congressman Buck McKeon wrote the 2012 NDAA bill and still has tremendous pull with existing members in Congress to get it done so that it will be veto proof. MMAC is using strategic political advice from a political advisor and retired military expert volunteering within MMAC. The timing of doing this now is critical! PLP’s efforts in this MMAC project are to enter into this contract ASAP with McKeon Group LLC’s specialist team with a goal to raise $150,000 by year-end 2015. This is a historic, sweeping piece of legislation that will help all miners and those that cater to the industry. PLP is a 501(c)(3) and your donation for this grand endeavor will be tax deductible.
Be part of the solution today and make a healthy donation! Please make your check payable to PLP and add “for MMAC Bill” on the memo part of the check and send to: Public Lands for the People Inc, 2029 Ventura Blvd., Ste 47-466 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 or donate online to: 
© ICMJ's Prospecting and Mining Journal, CMJ Inc.
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