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PLP and Mining Districts

PLP Update

Public Lands for the People (PLP) has come up with a guide for miners and prospectors that they believe will alleviate many of the problems faced when operating on public lands managed by the US Forest Service. They provided some of the details in their recent announcement:

“Public Lands for the People (PLP) is preparing to release materials that the Forest Service does not want miners to know about. These online materials that take 4 steps and a few minutes to perform are probably the most effective “bug spray” to legally use on rogue Forest Service agents ever contemplated by PLP in all its 31 years of existence. It is totally legal and professional, and has already been used numerous time in the field by PLP members on National Forest Service managed lands. It works on access problems, occupancy limitation problems and a whole lot more. It gives the legal power to the miner to resist the requirement to submit an NOI or POO when the surface disturbance activities are clearly insignificant. It employs the bundle of rights known as ‘Miners Right of Self-Initiation’ under the Mining Act and puts an effective leash on the Forest Service agency and radical environmentalists who often plot to deprive you of your livelihood.

“These materials are not only an effective deterrent from Forest Service citation but a gold mine of legal research knowledge any mining lawyer would love to charge you an arm and a leg for in a legal battle. Thanks to our PLP member support, our trips to Washington, DC, have netted us an inside track to data on the Forest Service (and other agencies) that we are prepared to release to our members.

“PLP members who are renewing online and by mail will start receiving these valuable gems of knowledge as a new bonus along with our member card and orange challenge card. PLP can say with confidence, that the Forest Service will never treat known PLP members the same again. As you probably know, knowledge is power and a highly effective tool against your enemies who wish to deprive you of your rights!”

PLP believes they will have a similar challenge card available on May 1, 2021, that will work in a similar manner to put California suction gold dredgers back in the water.

In addition, PLP announced their “Springfest” will be held at a private claim in Kern County, California, April 30 - May 2. The $60 cost to attend will include a one-year PLP membership or they will tack a year onto a current membership. Complete details and registration are available via their website at

© ICMJ's Prospecting and Mining Journal, CMJ Inc.
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