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Miner Charged in Death of Downieville Miner

On Saturday afternoon, February 13, Tom Rose, 36, of Downieville, California was trying out some new metal detector earphones in the area of the Downie River...

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Spectacular Specimens Found in Northern Nevada

A prospector, who wishes to remain nameless, located the pictured chevron gold specimens on October 29, 2003.

Using Rock Formations to Your Advantage

Over the past twenty or more years, the traditional “seat of the pants” science of using mineral identification tables as a means to identify common ore minerals, their associated rock-forming minerals and rocks, has slowly become a lost art.

Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: Pots of Gold

Sure enough, after hiking a couple miles uphill and hacking through some brush, we found the place just as he had described it.

Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part IV Geology of Hardrock Gold Deposits

Geologic processes can either concentrate or disperse gold and other elements from adjacent rocks. It is the results of the concentration processes that the prospector is most interested in.

Platinum in Laccoliths

Laccoliths are unusual igneous features that seem to occur in the stable interior parts of continents. They are concordant igneous intrusions that have domed the overlying rocks and are circular in plan, and less than 10 miles in diameter. This article deals with some of the laccoliths found in the scenic Colorado Plateau province of Utah, Colorado, and Arizona...

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