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April 1999 by Staff
• "No small mining operation can afford this..."• "The small arrastra still lives... "
• " effective defense against Green political efforts to lock the public off public lands."
Detecting for Gold: A Return to Familiar Ground
I probably swung over a few targets without noticing them. My first target came about ten minutes later as I went over a part of the high bench in this wide section of the dry wash.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
- NEPA comments due
- Update on latest US Supreme Court suction gold dredging appeal
- Washington State tries to restrict suction gold dredging
Ask The Experts - Is there a standard percentage given to land owners who hold the mineral rights?
The Green Land-Grabbers: It's Not Just the Feds Who Are After Your Land
Major environmental organizations such as the Nature Conservancy are working closely with the federal government to buy large tracts of private land, frequently at the expense of private property owners’ rights.
Gold Rush in the Congo—Part II
We needed something to cook on, so we brought most of our kitchen with us including our full-size oven, which was pretty funny to see in the middle of a rainforest. Food was always a concern, but fortunately for us...
Government Says New Mine Will Benefit Bears
Grizzly bears stand to benefit if a copper and silver mine is developed beneath Montana’s Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, the US Fish and Wildlife Service said in a rewritten opinion.
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The Bawl Mill
• Editorial—BLM 43 CFR 3809 Revision Status
• Miner Says Mining Could Return to Boulder
• Arizona Mines and Minerals Releases New Directory
• Onerous New Mining Rules Adopted in Washington State
• U.S. Sued for Failure to Guard Rare Species
• Miner Charged in Death of Downieville Miner
• Senator Warns Against Proposal to Sell Some IMF Gold
• Dry Placers in the Kamma Mountains, Nevada
• Company Notes
• MCS Index Shows Decrease in Mining Costs
• Over the Divide
• Picks & Pans: Confessions of a Small Miner—Part II
• The Saga of Sand Mountain
• Nevada County Feeling Pain of Slumping Mining Industry
• There's Gold in Those Tailings
• Gold at Ragged Top, Arizona
• Increase in Silver Demand by Photography Industry
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Looking Back
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Legislative Update