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Melman on Gold & Silver
July 2010 by Leonard Melman
... if the “renewed prosperity” concept fails to materialize and additional crises are on their way—each one to be met with currency expansions and worsening conditions—then we would speculate that gold and silver will move higher.Additional articles that might interest you...
Melman on Gold & Silver
June 2016
Another area of growing international concern for business and industry is the recent astonishing proliferation of new government regulations and laws. Despite the presumably good intentions behind these measures it is now becoming apparent that they are imposing true costs to our economic society. The sheer variety of these laws and regulations is mind-boggling.
Another area of growing international concern for business and industry is the recent astonishing proliferation of new government regulations and laws. Despite the presumably good intentions behind these measures it is now becoming apparent that they are imposing true costs to our economic society. The sheer variety of these laws and regulations is mind-boggling.
Melman on Gold & Silver
November 2014
I find it difficult to recall a period when the world has encountered so many simultaneous threats which “should” have driven gold and silver higher, and yet the precious metals markets—so far—have failed to rally to any significant extent.
I find it difficult to recall a period when the world has encountered so many simultaneous threats which “should” have driven gold and silver higher, and yet the precious metals markets—so far—have failed to rally to any significant extent.
Company Notes
February 2002
• Barrick Gold Corp.
• Campbell Resources Inc.
• Newmont Mining Corp.
• Barrick Gold Corp.
• Campbell Resources Inc.
• Newmont Mining Corp.
Honda Pares Down Use of Precious Metals in Autos
May 2001
Honda Motor Co. said it will begin using new catalytic converter technology it believes will slash use of pricey precious metals in auto emission-control systems by 50 to 70 percent.
Honda Motor Co. said it will begin using new catalytic converter technology it believes will slash use of pricey precious metals in auto emission-control systems by 50 to 70 percent.
Looking Back
May 2000
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.
Melman on Gold & Silver
September 2009
...while the public appears sold on the idea of imminent recovery and government politicians continually issue statements in support of that concept, several responsible columnists have issued their own predictions, and they are hardly optimistic.
...while the public appears sold on the idea of imminent recovery and government politicians continually issue statements in support of that concept, several responsible columnists have issued their own predictions, and they are hardly optimistic.
Proper Assaying of Placer Samples
November 2012
The whole purpose of sampling mineralized ground is to measure the values in a small volume of material that would be representative of a much larger volume of similar material. The key word is representative. Chemical and fire assaying will not accurately represent placer deposits by themselves.
The whole purpose of sampling mineralized ground is to measure the values in a small volume of material that would be representative of a much larger volume of similar material. The key word is representative. Chemical and fire assaying will not accurately represent placer deposits by themselves.
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The Bawl Mill
• California Dredgers Shafted by Assembly Democrats
• Rare Earth Deposit May Be Awaiting Discovery
• When Gold Moves, Placers Form
• Beginner's Luck
• The Curious Saga of the Jack Wade Creek Dredge
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• Taxes, Numbers & Mining
• What Was That Article Again?
• Mining Stock Quotes & Mineral and Metal Prices
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• The Whabouchi Lithium Project