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Melman on Gold & Silver

It seems like we cannot get away from the major themes as each month we continue to receive important news on the same general categories such as housing, global warming, Iran, weakness in the US Dollar, etc. Unfortunately, if variety happens to be your cup of tea, the same categories have dominated the news once again.

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The bright green rocks jutting through the prairie soil were hard to miss, but Tom Charlton still couldn’t believe his eyes. It was kimberlite, the molten rock in which diamonds are found, and preliminary tests had yielded a microscopic diamond.

Melman on Gold & Silver

Unquestionably, the events of January 20, 2009, highlighted the news of the past month as on that date, the “torch of leadership” of America passed from the departing George W. Bush and into the hands of the 44th President, Barack Obama.

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Ask The Experts—Iridium

Q: I believe I have found a deposit that contains iridium. What can you tell me about iridium? Are there any tests I can do in the field to confirm it is iridium? How much is iridium worth? Where can I get it assayed? Can I refine it myself?

Placer Gold in Utah

Utah is not known for gold, but a significant amount has been produced. Over 12 million ounces of lode and placer gold have been produced from Bingham Canyon alone. However, placer production, per se, has been miniscule compared to other western states, although a lot of dry placers may remain undiscovered.

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