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Miners Clean Washington Rivers and Streams
May 2007 by Richard Holcomb
The Washington Department of Health has issued several warnings about mercury contamination in fish and shellfish. The small-scale mining community is the only group that is actively removing mercury and lead from the waterways of the State of Washington using the only economically feasible method available—with suction dredges and other small-scale mining equipment.Melman on Gold & Silver
From the mining community’s point of view, it is important to stop the parade of complex laws and regulations that continue to interfere with huge segments of the economy. This gives the upcoming election even greater importance directly relating to our precious and base metals mining industries.
Tonopah Historic Mining Park
For just a few bucks admission you’re on your way. Shawn will give you a map of the 130-acre park, and you are free to explore on your own. There are just a few areas that are fenced-off for safety concerns, but most of it is wide open. It is a refreshing change to view a mining museum/park such as this.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Alaska Dredging Draft General Permit AKG-37-1000
• Where the candidates stand
Over the Divide
Charles L. Butler
1920 - 2014
Placer Gemstones
Only the so-called “precious gems” will be considered in this article. They are diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald. A “gem” must be rare, hard, and durable, and possess a unique color or quality in order to be classified as a gem.
Melman on Gold & Silver
All we can say is “Welcome to 2012,” and if the first part of January is any indication, it is going to be quite a year on many fronts from the ongoing international financial crisis to the progress of a presidential election set to end this coming November.
BLM Increases Location & Maintenance Fees
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has increased mining claim location fees and maintenance fees in a final rule published in the Federal Register on June 29, 2009.
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The Bawl Mill
• Ask the Experts—Where can I find plans for a home-built suction dredge?
• Ask The Experts—Can you help explain the ratings in Melman On Gold & Silver?
• Recovering Values from Black Sands
• Typhoon Exploration—Junior Mining Company Moves Forward in Quebec
• Kalgoorlie, Australia—Born of Gold
• Colorado Court Rules on Cyanide Ban
• Selling Your Gold—Where To Start
• The Business of Mines—Consider Your Tax Deductions Now
• Exploration, Development and Taxes
• US v. Donald Eno—IBLA Rules in Favor of Miner
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes, Mineral & Metal Prices
• Looking Back