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Special Editorial: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Believes They Have the Evidence

The Legislative Update and Company Notes columns were pulled this issue to make room for this important, breaking news.

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Progress Continues in Honduras

He had meetings with Honduran officials at all levels, set up a new corporation called Raptor Mining in El Corpus, Honduras, and is in the process of establishing a non-profit called “Step Up for Honduras.”

Where Do I Begin?

You’ve developed an interest in prospecting for gold. A couple friends have told you how much fun they’ve had looking for gold. In this article I’ll point out the pros and cons of this activity and by the end you can decide to what degree you want to pursue your search for gold.

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When detecting an area that has been cleaned to bedrock and you have new trees growing, always make sure you get your coil as close as possible to the tree. Why?

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PLP Update

Plans are also under way to coordinate with the incoming chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill   • Over the Divide   • Our Readers Say   • World Gold Council News   • Metal Detecting Within the Cordillera for Gold Placers Associated With Tertiary Epithermal Ore Deposits   • Picks & Pans: An Exciting Hobby   • Prospecting for Silver With a Geiger Counter   • The Furnace Atmosphere During the Fire Assay   • The Hanging Tree   • Gold in Chihuahua, Mexico   • ICMJ 10th Annual Photo Contest Results   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices   • Looking Back

Gold in Kansas and Oklahoma


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