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Company Looks at Restarting Sunshine Mine
July 2002 by Associated Press
The lights are on again in the Sunshine silver mine as a New Orleans company investigates whether it is profitable to buy the operation.Additional articles that might interest you...
A Few Pointers About Cracks and Crevices
October 2013
Because these crevices catch and hold gold so well, it's worthwhile to learn how they form, which ones are good for catching gold and which ones are not.
Because these crevices catch and hold gold so well, it's worthwhile to learn how they form, which ones are good for catching gold and which ones are not.
The Business of Mining—Tradeshow Deductions
January 2010
Although the costs of meals and lodging while away from home for business travel or attending meetings, conventions and tradeshows is deductible...
Although the costs of meals and lodging while away from home for business travel or attending meetings, conventions and tradeshows is deductible...
The Bawl Mill
April 2020
Elections May Bring Rush to Republic of Congo
August 2006
Elections in the Republic of Congo may bring a mining boom to a country that has been ravaged by wars and corruption.
Elections in the Republic of Congo may bring a mining boom to a country that has been ravaged by wars and corruption.
A Trip to Tucson 2000
April 2000
The stage was set for a great time, as better than 100 mining artifact collectors from all over the world gathered for the 6th Annual Tucson Arizona show. Many of us didn't even seem to mind the heat of the desert...
The stage was set for a great time, as better than 100 mining artifact collectors from all over the world gathered for the 6th Annual Tucson Arizona show. Many of us didn't even seem to mind the heat of the desert...
President Bush: Put ANWR Drilling in Energy Bill
November 2001
President Bush has urged Congress to adopt comprehensive energy legislation, which includes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
President Bush has urged Congress to adopt comprehensive energy legislation, which includes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
China Closing More Than 1,000 Mines
August 2016
It was only a few years ago that China was taxing and limiting quantities of exports for rare earths in an effort squeeze the market, drive up prices and extract the most in the way of income.
It was only a few years ago that China was taxing and limiting quantities of exports for rare earths in an effort squeeze the market, drive up prices and extract the most in the way of income.
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