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A Word from the Editor
October 2000 by Scott Harn
You may recall seeing the Treasure Hawk Mine cleanup project featured in the August 2000 issue of ICMJ...Additional articles that might interest you...
Tales of California Gold Discoveries 1st in a Series—Yankee Jim's
September 2005
Most everyone has heard the term “gold is where you find it’” and probably have read how James Marshall, in 1848, while inspecting the mill-race ditch that had been dug to supply water for the saws at the sawmill that he was building for John Sutter, ended up finding the first pieces of gold within the ditch along the South Fork of the American River...
Most everyone has heard the term “gold is where you find it’” and probably have read how James Marshall, in 1848, while inspecting the mill-race ditch that had been dug to supply water for the saws at the sawmill that he was building for John Sutter, ended up finding the first pieces of gold within the ditch along the South Fork of the American River...
Legislative and Regulatory Update
January 2018
- EPA declines to impose additional regulations and financial requirements on hardrock miners
- “Baffling” ruling in suction gold dredging court case
A New Method for Handling Stubborn Gravity Middlings
July 2016
The solution focused on the relative difference in malleability between gold and waste, rather than the difference in density exploited by gravity circuits.
The solution focused on the relative difference in malleability between gold and waste, rather than the difference in density exploited by gravity circuits.
The Hunt for Diamonds, Nunavut, Canada
March 2003
During the summer of 2001, Hunter Exploration Group conducted a regional mineral exploration program on the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut, in search of predominantly gold, platinum and copper.
During the summer of 2001, Hunter Exploration Group conducted a regional mineral exploration program on the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut, in search of predominantly gold, platinum and copper.
Crisson Gold Mine Robbed At Gunpoint
March 2022
The suspect brought a duffel bag with him that he filled with two employee cellphones, wallets, cash from the register, gold nuggets and several trays of jewelry.
Emergency Dredging Closures in Washington State
September 2015
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) issued emergency rules without public comment just prior to our publication deadline.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) issued emergency rules without public comment just prior to our publication deadline.
Ask The Experts - Where can I get geological maps?
November 2021
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The Bawl Mill
• Under the Guise of Environmental Protection—EPA Revealed
• The Centennial Lode and the Centennial Ridge District, Wyoming
• Company Notes
• Picks & Pans—In Search of Nome Creek Gold
• Massive Sulfide Deposits in Oregon
• Recreational Dredging on the South Yuba River
• The Trapiches of Chile
• Tales of Liberty Gold
• Drywashing Alluvial Placers
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices