June 2003 (Vol. 72, No. 10) $3.25
The Bawl Mill
• What's that smell?
• Do you recognize the face on that milk carton?
• The debate over hockey
• Sir, what size and color bra do you prefer?
• Beam me up -
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Comment period reopened for pygmy owl critical habitat in Arizona
• Limits on wilderness study areas finalized in Utah
• IBLA rules miner cannot set up store processing equipment on claim when no mining is taking place
• New law to protect claims and equipment in Washington State -
City Gives Blessing to Pogo Mine
City officials favor construction of the Pogo gold mine near their community, they said at a public comment meeting on the mine conducted by the government agencies responsible for issuing permits for the $250 million project. -
Underground at Yankee Jim's
In 1849, the story spreading around the Barnes Store (on the North Fork of the American near Colfax, California) was about some rich diggings being found up in the hills going east, and not very far up the ridge according to some accounts. -
Dry Placers in Southern Baja
The southern tip of Baja California is dominated by the Sierra de la Laguna, a 70-mile-long mountain range that reaches elevations of 7,095 feet. The range is also known as the Sierra de la Victoria. -
A Gold Detector Sitting in a Closet Only Finds Dust—More Detector Tips
The diverse minerals, salts, and moisture, plus any halo effect, and old-timer trash, especially decomposing iron artifacts, are often found in any dry placer gold field and can really mask the “penetration powers” of a detector. -
Gold in Tennessee
The best known placer gold locality in Tennessee is the Coker Creek district, in the southeastern part of the state. The district lies within Cherokee National Forest and covers Coker Creek and its tributaries on the west side of the Smoky Mountains. -
Old Stock Certificates—Treasures or Trash?
In Canada we are blessed with a multitude of ways of acquiring gold. We can buy a gold ounce leaf from the bank, buy gold in a jewelry store, purchase gold stocks on the stock market, or dig for it ourselves. If we add gold theft to the list we add... -
Payette Forest Sides With Mining Company
The US Forest Service is siding with a mining company’s bid to reopen roads and drill test holes in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness. -
Using Mineral Deposit Models
Mineral deposit models have been used in mineral exploration for thousands of years. They were obviously not called models as we use the term today, but the idea of accumulating data to predict mineral deposits is the same. Models can be valuable tools in mineral exploration and assessment and are routinely used by major mining companies in locating and evaluating mineral deposits. -
Miners Still Waiting for Bonding Recommendations from DOI
Bonding regulation changes went into effect in December 2001, requiring many small miners who had been operating under a Notice of Intent to obtain bonding for their operations. -
The Old Mine Dump
There is one special picnic table I fervently wish I had kept. This special table was literally on top of the world. Better yet, it was on the mine dump of the old, long-abandoned gold mines at Summitville, Colorado. -
A Practical Approach to Dowsing
The use of dowsing methods to locate underground minerals and materials has been a rather delicate subject for some time. A certain stigma has been automatically attached to both the methods employed and the persons who use these techniques. -
Feds Release Opinion on Planned Mine Under Montana Wilderness
A proposed silver and copper mine that would burrow under a wilderness area in northwestern Montana will not affect bull trout, nor will it harm grizzly bears so long as some additional precautions are taken, federal wildlife authorities said. -
The Lengendary Lost Gold of the Headless Valley
Since 1906, when the McLeod brothers’ skeletal remains were first found tied to trees with missing heads, prospectors have been going into the Nahanni in search of elusive gold. A lot of those who lust for Nahanni gold have never been heard of or seen again. -
Looking Back
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month. -
Melman on Gold & Silver
Well, the Iraqi War is over, at least the active, battlefield portion of it. “All” that remains is to create a democratic nation in a region where political freedom is a virtually unknown concept. With the conflict over, many observers now eagerly await the post-war boom that has accompanied some previous major wars, particularly World War II.