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Setting Up A Placer Operation

Trommels come in two basic sections. The first section is called the scrubber unit. The second is the punch plate, where the gravels and ore of a specified size drop out into a variety of sluice box recovery units.

Grizzly Flats, California—Another Mother Lode Gold Rush Town

We chatted for a bit and then we had to take off, but I kept what he said in the back of my mind as we rushed out to some other gold-bearing place in the Mother Lode to feed our gold fever.

Drywashing Without A Drywasher

After trading for a specialized gold detector, my gold finds went up in a hurry. Even though those older gold detectors were pretty good, things have changed a lot since then.

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Late Fall Drywashing

Part of the good thing about this spot is that it is not that far from my home in the famous Virginia City mining district. Not everyone knows this, but the first discoveries around that area were gold placers.

Melman on Gold & Silver

As we have repeated quite often, rising inflation—or, more particularly, the expectation of rising inflation—has historically been perhaps the most important ingredient of all in past precious metals bull markets.

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Centrifugal concentration is the most effective process for fine gold!

The Bawl Mill

• Your order will be ready in the year 2076
• The roadrunner was finally caught

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Big banks penalized for rigging gold price
• Mining royalties excluded from reconciliation bill

Ask The Experts - Will a rare earth magnet work for finding gold deposits?

The most sensitive gold probe available!

Ask The Experts - Any at home tests for platinum/palladium?

Ask The Experts - Should I use headphones or go without?

Residual Placers: An Often Overlooked Gold Source

Because the forces of erosion and gravity tend to carry lighter materials like quartz away more easily, the heavy minerals like gold or silver will tend to be concentrated in the general area around the vein outcrop. These concentrations are what make residual placers so attractive.

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USFS OKs Exploratory Drilling in Eastern Idaho

The new plan approved by the FS says water for drilling at Dog Bone Ridge will now come from Beaver Creek rather than Coral Creek. The agency also said Excellon has added several monitoring sites associated with Dog Bone Ridge.

A Short History of Hydraulic Mining in California

To add to the confusion, the dam wasn’t holding back a large amount of water. It was full of gravels and had a small creek running through it. I had to know more.

An Early Christmas Gift

The larger nuggets were all old channel gold, smooth and water-worn. I guessed that a few of them would push a bit under one-half-ounce apiece.

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Gold Basin & Mass Wasting

Some of these events can cause half of an entire mountain to plummet down into a gorge or canyon, damming up a stream system and causing a flood when the earthen dam finally breaks from the water backing up behind it.

How Far To The Gold?

…in spite of the fact that the well-pounded spots probably don’t have much gold left, I see all too many prospectors hike down to a creek or other spot at the first place the road comes near it just because it’s the easiest access point.

Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: Warm Buttocks and Frozen Assets

Luckily, at about that time, I buddied up with a somewhat cantankerous, but very helpful, guy named Rod. He had become a local legend for his ability to consistently find gold.


The Joys of Desert Prospecting

…since many miners have wandered these hills over the years, you have to sometimes be a little more creative and unconventional in your methods to hopefully find new deposits.

PLP Update

PLP is also concluding its funding and review of a scientific study which names the suction dredge as the preeminent tool for reclaiming American waterways to counter atmospheric mercury impacts coming from China.


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