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Indicators and Hillsides

The placer gold shows up in ground sluice areas, hydraulic pits, secondary channels and hillside diggings. It is coming down the hillsides from an ancient channel left high and dry millions of years ago.

Surviving the Unexpected

In this article, we will talk about how emergency response works in back country areas and go over some different ways to improve your chances of obtaining a good outcome should you get into trouble.

Gold Placers of Southern California

I grew up in Southern California, and found my first nugget there, so I know my way around. Because there is good gold there, I thought it might be helpful to take a look at the many placer gold opportunities found in the southern part of the state.

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PLP Update

…a half-dozen dredgers have completed the appropriate paperwork and are conducting dredging operations at this juncture. They hope to expand these efforts to other western states in the near future.

Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: Throwing Away Thousand-Dollar Hot Rocks

All of this made me have to conclude that those dummies just didn’t know what they were doing. It was a couple of years later before the solution for this puzzle became clear to me.

3D-Printed Tools for Prospecting

…these two guys are part of the new hi-tech generation who review new technologies and are always looking for new ways to apply them in innovative fields!

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Libby, Montana Prospectors Keep Tradition Alive

Located 23 miles south of Libby, the land surrounding the Libby Creek area has been of interest to prospectors since the early 1860s, when it was home to up to 600 miners working at a camp known as Libbysville.

Colorado Miner Sues EPA Over 2015 Spill

Hennis claims that months later and without his permission, the EPA built a $2.3 million water treatment facility on the property and the agency continues treating water and storing waste there.

Melman on Gold & Silver

From our precious metals point of view, I would note that if the production of these metals fails to meet demand, prices will likely rise, perhaps very smartly, thereby fueling additional increments of future inflation.

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Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

The Bawl Mill

• Texas government has more plot twists than the TV series “Dallas”

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• New, damning revelations about Biden nominee to head BLM

Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

Ask The Experts - Are pulse induction detectors the right tech for gold?

Ask The Experts - Why can’t I find gold with my detector?

Ask The Experts - Are two rock crushing machines (jaw crusher and chain crusher) necessary?

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Ask The Experts - Why am I finding only coarse gold, not fines in this area?

Ask The Experts - Is the amount of gold reserves claimed by mining companies real or just hype?

How To Identify Minerals

There are a number of characteristics that are used when one identifies a mineral. Each characteristic gives an indication as to what the mineral might be, and the combination of them will point to what it is.


Chasing Hard Rock Gold As A Placer Deposit

The question I had, and likely you have too, is when an old channel is cut, how far does the placer gold in the cut channel move down in a river or creek that continues to erode deeper and deeper?

Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: Bumbling Through A Gold Bonanza

On about the fifth time across one of these slopes, and down near the little wash...bam! I found a nice chunk of rock, laced through with gold. Wow! How had I missed this?


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