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Uranium Miners May Be Compensated
April 2000 by Associated Press
Residents who worked in uranium mines before 1972 may be eligible for compensation through a federal program.Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Conformation for some
• Congress canceling regulations
A Search for Tantalum
It is likely that few tourists passing through the crowning glory of the Canadian Rocky Mountains in northeastern British Columbia would be aware that this spectacular region is the focal point of the search for one of earth’s most intriguing metals—tantalum.
The Bawl Mill
• Fed up with the feds
• Energy
Mining Claims—What to Know Before You File
During the initial assessment year (the year of location), the claim maintenance fee must be paid at the time the notice of location is filed with the Bureau of Land Management. Failure to pay the claim maintenance fee will void the claim.
Melman on Gold & Silver
Boy, do we ever live interesting times! What other conclusion can we come to when the only real excitement on the whole scene is a kids' book and a TV series about a bunch of people acting in a manner to make the word "weird" seem respectable!
The Reason We Fight
Joy was written on his face, holding up the nugget—his first ever nugget—that he and his grandpa dug up together.
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The Bawl Mill
• USFS Chief in Nevada
• Dairy Farmer Hits Pay Dirt
• Canyon Resources in Battle in Montana
• Guest Editorial—President's Land Plan Implements Unratified Treaty
• Gold in Washington
• Picks & Pans: Tips for Nuggestshooting—How to Increase Your Gold Finds (Part I)
• Alaska Mining Industry Sees 5% Growth in 1999
• El Paso Mountains Mining History
• Platinum Prices Could Spur Wyoming Rush
• The Wooden Cross
• Mining Hall of Fame Seeks Rhymes of the Mines
• Collecting Garnets in Wyoming
• A Trip to Tucson 2000
• McCaw School of MInes Dedicates Phase II
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices