Legislation & Regulation
The Takeover of Public Lands by New NAC’s “National Asset Companies”
February 2024
Retired Geologist Warned Public of Pending EPA Disaster
Retired geologist Dave Taylor of Farmington, New Mexico, predicted the disaster in a letter published by the Silverton Standard a week before it occurred.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
- WOTUS rule finalized
- Reminder on new claim fees
SB 838 and the Future of Mining in Oregon
The verbage is SB 838 is vague and ambiguous to say the least. As a result, there is quite a bit of misinformation floating around the rumor mills.
Lawsuit Update From the New 49'ers
Many of you are aware that we have been engaged in litigation with anti-mining activists that have been attacking us through the Karuk Tribe of California since 2003. It all started with their lawsuit against the US Forest Service (USFS), challenging that District Rangers do not have the authority to allow small-scale mining activities under a Notice of Intent (NOI) when the Ranger concludes that the mining activity is not likely to create a substantial surface disturbance.
Reminder: Annual Claim Filings Due
Mining claimants who wish to retain their mining claims on Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service lands through the 2021 assessment year must pay a maintenance fee or file a maintenance fee waiver certificate on or before September 1…
Judge Gives OK to Nevada Mining Tax Initiative
A proposed constitutional amendment to raise the cap on mining taxes can proceed as written, a state judge ruled March 14.
MMAC Update
In May 2017, the district participated in a meeting with representatives from several state and federal agencies where they educated agency officials about the authority of Mining Districts, Mining Law and miner’s rights.
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Nikko’s Nuggets: How A Tech Guy Finds A Steady Supply Of Gold!
• A 21st Century Uranium Rush
• Volcanoville: A California Gold Rush Town
Miners Market (Classified ads)
• February 2024 Bawl Mill
• Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Look Harder