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The Bawl Mill

• More like “upsetting” than offsetting...
• So, when is our first shareholder meeting?
• Government kicks a gift horse in the mouth...
• Will the real Barack Obama please step forward...

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It is a gemstone, and yet it is also closely associated with many types of metal ores. It's valuable itself but often points toward other valuable minerals—that is certainly something prospectors want to know more about!

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...for the most part, visible price inflation has remained dormant for the most of that period of time. This state of affairs would appear to contradict both monetary history and typical cause and effect reasoning. Even the Fed has expressed some surprise and concern regarding the matter.

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Russian Plane Spills 3 Tons of Gold on Runway

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Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part II Recognizing and Understanding Rock Formations (Petrology)

Rocks are an aggregate formed from the accumulation of minerals. Minerals form under various conditions, and when the minerals come together in mass, they form rocks.

Little Rocky Mountains, Montana

The Little Rocky Mountains are a group of wooded hills, 10 miles long and 8 miles wide, which form an island in the Great Plains of north-central Montana. They rise to 5,708 feet, 2,000 feet above the surrounding plains.

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