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Tales of California Gold Discoveries 2nd in a Series—The Jenny Lind Mine

It is said that the richest deposits of gold at Foresthill were discovered by one of those accidents that is impossible for man to foresee, but which all are willing to take advantage of.

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California State Gold Panning Championships

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Given the enormous expenditures that are required to bring any mining property into production, the industry can ill afford a regulatory system which, by reversing already existent approvals, can nullify the value of funds already expended.

Gold in Vermont

The principal gold belt in Vermont extends south from the Canadian border along the east side of the Green Mountains, as far south as the Massachusetts line. The entire region was glaciated during the Great Ice Age and the glaciers contained streaks of finely-divided gold, so some of the gold found in Vermont originated in what is now Canada.

Picks & Pans: Arizona Desert Drywashing Adventure

As a dedicated dredger, this was to be a totally different experience. Finding gold without using water seemed almost impossible.

Trash! A Hindrance Or Hot Spot For Hidden Gold?

I love it when I am in the middle of a high trash area and all the ferrous bars go away, the screen number goes to a three or an eight, and the meter is forty to a hundred. I don’t know for sure that I have found gold, but it narrows the odds down.

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The Bawl Mill   • Newmont's Gold Quarry Mine   • Drywashing and Detecting for Eluvial Placer Gold Research is the Key to Success—Part II   • EPA Offers Liability Protection to Spur Cleanups   • Study: West Has Vast Oil Shale Reserves   • Picks & Pans: Detecting Micro-Nuggets   • The Notch Peak Intrusive   • Recovering Fine Gold: Getting the Most from Your Sluice Box   • 2005 California State Gold Panning Championships   • Company Notes   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

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