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Silver Bonanza in the Sierra Madre: The Glorious Past of Batopilas—Part II
November 2007 by Steve Wilson
John Kyrk was a prospector who appeared in Batopilas about 1863. Little is known about him, but he had the foresight to pick a mine just 59 yards north of the San Miguel property, and dug a tunnel that ran parallel with the San Miguel in the same mountain, cutting the same veins.Additional articles that might interest you...
Melman on Gold & Silver
March 2015
…money creation by central banks… could even accelerate further as governments desperately seek to stimulate some sort of powerful economic growth. Historically, rapid money creation rates have been positive for gold and silver.
…money creation by central banks… could even accelerate further as governments desperately seek to stimulate some sort of powerful economic growth. Historically, rapid money creation rates have been positive for gold and silver.
Mining Claim Maintenance Fee Due
June 1999
For miners holding a mining claim, mill site or tunnel site on public lands, August 31, 1999 is the last day to meet the annual filing requirement and pay the $100 maintenance fee to the Bureau of Land Management.
For miners holding a mining claim, mill site or tunnel site on public lands, August 31, 1999 is the last day to meet the annual filing requirement and pay the $100 maintenance fee to the Bureau of Land Management.
Ask The Experts - Why are some valid mining claims missing from apps when researching land status?
September 2019
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
October 2009
New Quarry Regulations in West Virginia
February 2000
Quarry operators would face tighter state regulations under proposed legislation that moved a step closer to approval recently.
Quarry operators would face tighter state regulations under proposed legislation that moved a step closer to approval recently.
The Assay of High Iron Gold Ores
November 2000
By employing this technique, one can use a larger sample size without having to resort to large crucibles and massive amounts of flux.
By employing this technique, one can use a larger sample size without having to resort to large crucibles and massive amounts of flux.
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The Bawl Mill
• Ask the Experts
• Prairie Creek Project Approaches Final Hurdle
• A Golden Dream Come True
• Dawson City and the World Gold Panning Championships
• Journeys in the Kingman Quadrangle—Part IV
• The Business of Mining—The Benefits of an S Corporation
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
• The Risks of Mining Overseas
Legislative and Regulatory Update AB 1032—Where Do We Go From Here?