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Mojave Desert Gold
November 2002 by Edgar B. Heylmun, PhD
The Mojave Desert is located in southeastern California, southern Nevada, western Arizona, and northern Sonora. Geologically, its western boundary is marked by the San Andreas and Garlock faults, but elsewhere, the boundaries are...Gold From Black Sand Tailings
The pile up on the small hill had to be a couple yards of black sand. I’m not one to ignore a little gold even if it is small in size—I have always believed that gold fever comes in all sizes.
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Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part II Recognizing and Understanding Rock Formations (Petrology)
Rocks are an aggregate formed from the accumulation of minerals. Minerals form under various conditions, and when the minerals come together in mass, they form rocks.
Metal Detecting Old Hard Rock Mine Dumps
The type of mine dump that is best for metal detecting are the ones that consist of mixed sizes of rock and are located near some sort of excavation, commonly a shaft or adit. Sometimes the piles located along a trench dug by the miners can be productive as well.
The Bucking Room
Since this position was the least desirable due to the hard physical labor, the bucking room was used as punishment. Do you have a mediocre worker? Bad attitude? Off to the bucking room!
Dredge Mining—Current Situation in Idaho
Tomten concedes the scenario of federal environmental agents swooping in on river dredges near historic mining towns like Idaho City, Rocky Bar or Placerville remains unlikely.
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