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Picks & Pans: Fig Tree, Grape Vine and Good Gold
November 2002 by John Anderson
The south fork of the Yuba River was still too high to cross safely on the first day of the dredging season for 2002, but Leon was able to use this condition to his advantage. He dredged high on the bank where big dredges would not go and produced...The Silver, Gold and Gemstones of Candelaria, Nevada
The Candelaria area is of interest to prospectors not just for silver, gold and other metals, but also for the beautiful gemstones found there.
How to Use BLM’s New Mineral and Land Records System
This new map-based tool is far superior to the old version with lots of potential layers and information that a prospector can use in research.
The “Chuck It Out” Nugget
This was no ordinary nugget. It had not traveled very far from its nearby source, and that did mean a lot, as we were searching for the source of several such nuggets found during a gold rush that occurred in 1859.
Judge Blocks Road Protest
A federal judge has blocked a citizens' group from re-building a remote mountain road, a project that state and local officials feared might lead to violence.
From Spanish Mine to Modern-Day Exploration: The Historic Gold-Silver Camp of Palmarejo
Palmarejo Silver & Gold Corp., based in Longueuil, Quebec, is a gold-silver exploration company reexploring a former Spanish silver district in far southwestern Chihuahua.
And the Survey Says...
A recent online survey on our homepage confirmed what we expected...
Picks & Pans: Red Beryl Mining—Beaver County, Utah
The Ruby Violet Mine is a rare red beryl locality that produces the only gem quality material of this type in the world. The mine is located in a topaz rhyolite within a rhyolite flow in the Wah Wah Mountains in Beaver, County, Utah.
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The Bawl Mill
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