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Melman on Gold & Silver

TOC MelmanOnce again, economic trauma was the dominant theme of most news releases last month. It seemed we were learning about an endless array of companies in dire trouble, including many who had either filed or were on the verge of bankruptcy...

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Melman on Gold & Silver

To paraphrase Shakespeare, “To war, or not to war, that is the question.” That was the question that dominated national and international headlines over the past month, at least those headlines that were not otherwise occupied by detailing information about one market collapse after another around the world. It is hard to know which was the more important story.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• US District Court rules against Oregon miners
• Bill to halt sage grouse management plans introduced.

Oil Seeps in Northern California

Indians used asphalt from oil seeps in California for caulking boats and other objects long before the white man arrived. Spaniards noted seeps as early as 1542, and the Portola expedition in 1769 used oil for wagon axles and as a fuel. Spaniards also used crude stills for obtaining lamp oil for use in the missions.

Soft Rock Excavation Techniques

Pombo Bill to Provide Some Relief for Miners

House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo is no stranger to controversy. As we highlighted in our November 2005 issue, he recently pushed through a bill to reform the Endangered Species Act, providing much needed improvements.

Metal Detector Testing Methods

It will not be any easier than on your table at home, and so testing a very small test target like the ballpoint pen can tell you immediately if a detector is suitable for looking for tiny gold nuggets.

Understanding Hard Rock Mining: Terms and Methods—Part I

While most small-scale prospectors and miners focus their energies on placer deposits, most large mining companies put their efforts primarily into hard rock mining. Although many miners may see these as two separate worlds that can never meet, a better understanding of hard rock mining for small operators can be very helpful in many ways.

Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill   • From The Editor   • Detecting Invisible Gold   • Finding Diamond Deposits With Your PC—Part I   • Has Senator Harry Reid Worn Out His Welcome?   • The Most Obvious Place   • The Gold of Yuba County   • PDAC 2009 Convention Highlights   • Stimulus Package Provides Potential Tax Savings For Miners   • Mining Stock Quotes, Mineral & Metal Prices

Legislative and Regulatory Update   • Steven's Trail and the North Fork of the American


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