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Melman on Gold & Silver
March 2008 by Leonard Melman
News during the past month seemed to focus directly on economic and political events close to home in the good old USA. As talk of recession—or worse—mounted, and as one stock market segment after another weakened sharply, the economic and political leaders of the nation sprang into decisive action.A Lesson In Underwater Sniping
Of course, I know a bit about crevicing, but Steve seems to really have a knack for it, and I’m all about continual learning. I can always learn a few tricks from the pros.
Family Wins Back Seized Gold Coins
A family was awarded the rights to 10 rare gold coins possibly worth $80 million or more...
Successful Mineral Property Promotion
Before you invite anyone to look at your mining claims, whether it's to find yourself a partner, to secure operating capital, or to interest a mining company, there are rock-bottom, basic requirements to consider.
Melman on Gold & Silver
The past month was a good one for for George W. Bush. First, he was officially inaugurated for his second term in office and made a well-received speech advocating the American position on world peace. Then Iraq held an election that was extraordinarily successful in comparison to the woeful predictions that had been made.
Bigger Is Not Always Better
I stayed on the nozzle (about 25 pounds) and Dave moved rock. We worked the hole for two and a half days. Most of the time was spent moving overburden.
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