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Legislation & Regulation

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Forest Service to revisit 228 regulations
• WOTUS Executive Order suspended

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PLP To Address Needs Of Small Miners With Proposed Amendment

The Senator’s office was very receptive to the small miner’s plight and was unaware of the dire problems created by the over-regulation of small-scale mining from so many different fronts. It was pointed out that S 145 may help the large mining companies a little, but falls woefully short in addressing the needs of small operators who make up 85% of domestic mines.

Update: People v. Rinehart

The law is on our side, but we’ve seen some crazy rulings coming out of courtrooms lately. I believe Rinehart will win his case, but then we move on to the State Water Resources Control Board.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Big banks penalized for rigging gold price
• Mining royalties excluded from reconciliation bill

Seeking The Truth—A Letter From the Editor

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • EPA ends "sue and settle"
  • Sage grouse mineral withdrawal cancelled

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • PLF sues over critical habitat
  • Attorney General ends EPA slush fund

MMAC & PLP Update

mmac & plp update

PLP had been attempting to raise funds to hire a lobbyist. The excessive cost made it prohibitive, so Clark and Joe packed up their bags and headed off to make this trip themselves.

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