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Economic Impact of Mining in Alaska
April 2006 by Scott Harn
The Alaska Miners Association recently released a report on the Economic Impact of Mining on Alaska. The numbers are impressive:Additional articles that might interest you...
The Circle Goldfields
February 2006
The Circle Goldfields are located about 120 miles east of Fairbanks in Interior Alaska and they occupy about 200 square miles. The Crazy Mountains boast the highest point in the district at 3,690 feet above sea level.
The Circle Goldfields are located about 120 miles east of Fairbanks in Interior Alaska and they occupy about 200 square miles. The Crazy Mountains boast the highest point in the district at 3,690 feet above sea level.
From the Editor
November 2001
As we all get back to “normal,” or as close to it as we can, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our advertisers for sticking it out through the hard times.
As we all get back to “normal,” or as close to it as we can, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our advertisers for sticking it out through the hard times.
Working Life of Troy Mine Could Be Extended
March 2007
An exploration project at the Troy Mine Complex in northwest Montana could extend the projected six or seven year life of the mine by another 5 to 10 years, officials with Revett Minerals say.
An exploration project at the Troy Mine Complex in northwest Montana could extend the projected six or seven year life of the mine by another 5 to 10 years, officials with Revett Minerals say.
Detecting at the Sixteen to One Mine
December 2012
A while back I was given a very special opportunity to take my metal detector to one of the most famous gold mines in all of California, the Original Sixteen to One mine in Alleghany.
A while back I was given a very special opportunity to take my metal detector to one of the most famous gold mines in all of California, the Original Sixteen to One mine in Alleghany.
Scouts New Mining in Society Badge
May 2014's very refreshing to hear that some of our youth will learn of the value of mining without all the environmental spin.'s very refreshing to hear that some of our youth will learn of the value of mining without all the environmental spin.
Using Google Earth and Other Maps
November 2012
Last month, one of our readers requested an article regarding the possible use of Google Earth for prospecting research. It was a good idea, so here it is.
Last month, one of our readers requested an article regarding the possible use of Google Earth for prospecting research. It was a good idea, so here it is.
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The Bawl Mill
• Federal Court to Address Dredge Permits—The Tulloch Rule
• Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part IV Geology of Hardrock Gold Deposits
• The Kenai Peninsula Goldfields
• Copper Price Keeps Canadian Miners Busy
• The Business of Mining: Financial Recoveries for Mandated Changes
• Utilizing Geologic Maps
• The Rich Hill Outing
• Picks & Pans: Detecting at Ganes Creek
• Copper Mine Opening in Utah
• Future of Mining in Bolivia Uncertain
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices