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Aussie Gold—A Look at the Northern Territory
May 2002 by A.R. Cameron
The Northern Territory has about six hundred proven gold deposits and has produced nearly 12 million ounces with a further 15 million ounces to be recovered. While the early hard rock miners were eventually blocked by water flows...Back to Green Valley--With A Sluice
As I planned for my trips, I concentrated on how to lighten my pack yet still carry enough gear to make the trip productive and enjoyable.
Small-Scale Hard Rock Production
So far this year we have recovered over three pounds of gold and the hard rock veins seem to go on forever. We now have three claims that can produce good enough gold to set up a productive operation.
Oregon Suction Dredge Permit Update
On May 29, 2007, the Eastern Oregon Mining Association (EOMA) filed their Opening Brief in the Oregon Court of Appeals against the Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
Residual Placers: An Often Overlooked Gold Source
Because the forces of erosion and gravity tend to carry lighter materials like quartz away more easily, the heavy minerals like gold or silver will tend to be concentrated in the general area around the vein outcrop. These concentrations are what make residual placers so attractive.
Small-Scale Concentrating and Recovery Methods
The first step in my recovery process after milling the ore to the desired size is to table it. On this particular ore, I get good results milling it to minus 100 mesh.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
- Bill to limit Antiquities Act
- PLF seeks relief from Endangered Species Act abuses
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