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As Millennium Nears, Copper No Longer King in Arizona
May 1999 by Associated Press
At the start of the 20th century, copper was king in Arizona, with one of every four workers employed in the mining trade. On the brink of a new millennium, however, the industry is no longer the cornerstone of the state's so-called "Five Cs" economy—copper, cattle, cotton, citrus and climate.Hidden Features in Venezuela
Venezuela is considerably larger than the state of Texas and is located on the north coast of South America. The capital city of Caracas (pop. 4 million) is some 2,135 miles south of New York City. Most of the population is in the northern half of the nation, with paved highways connecting the principal cities and towns. The Orinoco River flows through the southern and central parts of the country, and much of the travel into the interior is along that river and its tributaries.
Ask the Experts—Why doesn't the 1872 Mining Law apply to all 50 states?
Q: In the Feb 2008 Mining Journal you ran an article, “Gold Deposits of North Carolina,” by Chris Ralph. The article states that the 1872 Mining Law does not apply in North Carolina and in fact only has merit in 19 of the 50 states. Can you explain how that could happen?
Colorado Uranium Mining in the 1950s Boom
You can learn a lot from a small mining operation because you have to become proficient in every job. Soon I was preparing fuses, placing powder (dynamite) and learning the ins and outs of drilling and blasting.
Mining in Sonora, Mexico
So you want to do some gold mining in Mexico. What do you need, where do you go, how do you begin? You begin before you even cross the border.
Miner Wins Important Victory Against Forest Service
A case involving a Northern California dredger who was cited by the Forest Service for operating without a Notice of Intent, Plan of Operation or special-use authorization was resolved in the miner’s favor.
EPA Tries to Intimidate Alaskan Miners
Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has ordered an investigation of the recent raids, saying he will not tolerate a state agency's participation in the sort of conduct displayed.
Drywashing Rules Clarified
Carson Culp, Assistant Director of Minerals, Realty and Resource Protection for BLM, sent out an internal memorandum to all state BLM directors to clarify rules pertaining to gas-powered drywashers.
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