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A True Endangered Species

Immediate action is needed. I would like to recommend that Homo sapiens be listed as a “threatened species” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

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The Bawl Mill

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Picks & Pans: Working the Ol' Paystreak

The bright yellow nugget caught my eye as I pulled the astroturf down the sluice box into the large plastic tub. I grabbed it from the mat, pretty much in shock because of its size.

Understanding and Evaluating Desert Mineralization for Nuggetshooters

The primary source of many dryplacers is from the weathering of small to large hardrock sulphide ledges to yield free-gold, soluble salts and iron oxides. Placer gold, both large and small nuggets, can be found from the top inch down...

The Mexican Gold Belt

Mexico is a large country, much larger than the state of Alaska. It is almost as long as the US is wide. It has climates that range from tropical rainforests in the south to barren deserts in the north. The Sierra Madre is a forested plateau that reaches elevations in excess of 10,000 feet. It parallels the west coast of the country.

Canadian Mint to Unveil $1 Million Coin

The Royal Canadian Mint will soon unveil a gold coin worth one million Canadian dollars ($850,000 US).

Federal and State Biologists Accused of Planting Evidence

Federal and state wildlife biologists planted false evidence of a rare cat species in two national forests, officials told The Washington Times.

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The Bawl Mill   • Guest Editorial—Vertical Disintegration   • USGS Reports Increase of Imported Minerals   • The San Juan Mountains, Colorado   • A Silver Opportunity   • Gold in Virginia   • Picks & Pans: DEF Prospectors Rally Was a Huge Success   • News From GATA   • Our Nugget Shooting Adventure   • How PGMs Affect Assay Beads   • Fly Fishing the Mine Tailings/Headwaters of the Clark Fork, Montana   • Company Notes   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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