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125 Years of Mining History in the Panamints
August 2000 by Frank Lorey III
Two years after California's major gold discovery, another find was made in Ballarat, Australia. The news of the discovery went world-wide, and many of the California prospectors had heard plenty about Australian gold—especially the 2,284-ounce nugget found there.Detector Brings New Life to An Old Lode Mine
…it was immediately evident the previous owner had not been using a detector. During just a few months of working the dumps part-time, he recovered gold in quartz specimens valued in excess of $40,000.
Why Is The Gold On Bedrock—Or Why Is It Not?
Gold on the bedrock is a good rule of thumb, but not one that is 100 percent effective. There are plenty of exceptions. So, how does a prospector recognize those exceptions?
Ruby Hill Gold Mine to Reopen in Eureka
Barrick Gold Corp. is moving forward with the reopening of the Ruby Hill gold mine at Eureka, Nevada, and intends to begin work next month on a new power plant in western Nevada.
A Return to Silver City, Idaho
...we were able to pull out close to another 3+ ounces of small, angular Silver City gold. This also included several more small nuggets, pieces of wire gold and some quartz-gold pieces—not bad for 4 days with a small sluice.
Where to Find Gold in Indiana—Part II
Part I of the article addressed modern placer gold deposits. This second installment will address “ancient” flood deposits.
How Far To The Gold?
…in spite of the fact that the well-pounded spots probably don’t have much gold left, I see all too many prospectors hike down to a creek or other spot at the first place the road comes near it just because it’s the easiest access point.
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