April 2017 (Vol 86, No. 08) $3.75
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Bills introduced to stop federal management of greater sage grouse
• WOTUS under review
• Congressional Review Act -
Ask The Experts: Is an XRF gun useful for prospecting and mineral identification?
Q: I’ve thought about renting an XRF gun with gold specific software to use for exploration this spring.
Ask The Experts: Is this deposit worth working?
Q: Can you tell me if this deposit is worth working? It is a quartz vein and I had it analyzed for gold, copper, rare earths and other metals.
Ask The Experts: Can a long range locator probe detect gold in quartz?
Q: I was wondering how such a device could locate a rich gold vein in quartz, for example, since a metal like gold is non-magnetic.
Weathering, Erosion and Placers
The big interest to prospectors thinking about the effect of erosion is not what might happen long into the future, but what they might find in the rivers later this summer when the water levels go down. -
The PIGMI—a DIY Crevice Tool
I’ve had great success using it to gather gold from crevices. I’d like to share the design with all of you gold miners reading this article and hope that you get as much satisfaction building and using it as I did. -
MMAC Update
We spent our evening at some informal get-togethers at two private residences in the DC area, which provided the opportunity to talk with staff members from Congress, other agencies, and a few consultants working on public land issues. We found common ground with many of them, and found a strong ally in a former Congressman turned consultant who agreed that Mining Districts provide the smartest legal route... -
Diary of a Diamond Prospector
I couldn’t wait to get started. With no field budget, an assay budget of $100/year, a 1975-Ford Bronco that was a road hazard, a gas card, a topo map and full support of the director, I headed to the State Line district near Tie Siding along US Highway 287 to begin mapping kimberlite. -
The Ups and Downs of Nugget Hunting
I returned to the WSPA claim. Still smug from my previous success, I was thinking I could not fail. However, the gold gods had other plans. -
Epithermal Gold and Silver Deposits
Epithermal deposits form in the ground at shallow depths. They are popular with prospectors because can yield very rich deposits and they are widespread in the Western US. -
Melman on Gold & Silver
A matter of some serious concern has developed in the relationship between the prices for gold and silver and the performance of mining share averages.