Melman on Gold & Silver
How can it make sense to pass legislation to increase the spending power of the citizenry in order to stimulate economic activity and, at the same time, enact a series of new taxes that will diminish spending power?
Melman on Gold & Silver
Well, we are now almost two months into the new Biden Administration (as of our mid-March press deadline) and there most certainly have been some changes in direction from the preceding Trump years.
State of Idaho Looks to Invest in Gold and Silver
Legislation to allow the Idaho treasurer to invest in gold and silver that must be physically stored in Idaho is headed to the full House.
Melman on Gold & Silver
Another potential problem is the body of regulations imposed by the Paris Climate Accord that President Trump had negated but which President Biden has immediately rejoined.
Melman on Gold & Silver
Along with others named earlier, it is difficult to find any designated nominee seemingly willing to work well with either conservatives or Republicans or Trump loyalists, a fact which seems to suggest a continuing high level of tensions…
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
…this being our January 2021 edition, we offer our forecasts for gold and silver during the coming year. Hint: I hope I am not being overly-optimistic.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
While the election outcome is highly and hotly debated, yet another major portion of the world’s attention remains focused on developments with the COVID-19 pandemic itself...
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
While present official numbers remain quiescent at below 2%, we strongly believe the seeds of future inflation have now been laid via virtually unlimited currency creation by various central banks around the globe.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
Given the enormous expenditures that are required to bring any mining property into production, the industry can ill afford a regulatory system which, by reversing already existent approvals, can nullify the value of funds already expended.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
One would think that the “science” of economics could lend itself to areas of high agreement between professionals, but that has hardly been the case throughout history—and it is not the case today.