Money & Markets
Melman on Gold & Silver
March 2021 by Leonard Melman
Another potential problem is the body of regulations imposed by the Paris Climate Accord that President Trump had negated but which President Biden has immediately rejoined.
Melman on Gold & Silver
It should come as no surprise that gold and silver acted similarly, rising sharply during the early hours of the crisis and retreating as tensions abated.
Melman on Gold & Silver
Anyone seeking evidence that the standard leftist/socialist dogma may not work well need look no further than two western hemisphere governments, Venezuela and Puerto Rico, as both are now being wracked by financial and social upheavals.
Colorado Considers Gold & Silver Currency
Worried that the US dollar may not be good as gold, some Colorado lawmakers are pushing a bill to legalize gold and silver coins as usable currency.
Melman on Gold & Silver
To say that the international environmental community took exception to President Trump’s decision to remove America from the 2016 Paris Accord would be an understatement of enormous proportions.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
...a presentation of these important trends—which coincidentally have dominated the recent news—and my resultant predictions for 2016 and beyond, will make up the majority of this column.
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