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The Bawl Mill

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• There’s gold in them thar… holes?
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Benches and Fossil Placers

Unfortunately for us mortal humans, we have a poor perspective on geologic time. When we look at a landscape such as a stream valley, we see it only in two, or at the most, three dimensions. We have poor comprehension of the valley’s fourth and most important dimension—time.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Interior appropriations
• New bull trout plan released
• Comments needed

Why Did This Silver Mine Close? - Pt III

Narrowing down a closure date will allow you to check the commodity price during that time and possibly confirm that a low price, rather than a lack of ore, was the driving force that closed the operation.

City Gives Blessing to Pogo Mine

City officials favor construction of the Pogo gold mine near their community, they said at a public comment meeting on the mine conducted by the government agencies responsible for issuing permits for the $250 million project.

Ask The Experts - Why am I finding only coarse gold, not fines in this area?

Altar District's Golden Lure

The Altar District of Sonora, Mexico, stretches nearly 300 miles along the American border and approximately 200 miles along the Gulf coast. This particular district was noted for its rich placer deposits and gold ledges before the Spaniards ever settled the region. Several antiguas (Spanish mines) were later developed by the Europeans and were again being operated by the Americans as early as 1904.

The Bombarded 38' Parallel

A 1,200-mile long east-west zone, containing unusual geologic features, has been recognized in the eastern half of the United States for over 100 years. It coincides, in a general way, with the 38° parallel. There are as many opinions on the origin of the features as there are geologists. Most of the features are circular or oval in form, and some are concealed by younger rocks. They are found in 8 states, from Kansas east to Virginia.

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Detecting at Old Hydraulic Mines   • Montana Postpones Mining Rule   • Sydney Resource Corp. Ventures into Canada and Mexico   • The Treasure Detective   • The Small Hardrock Mill—Part I   • 2006 US Gold Panning Championships   • The Iditarod-Innoko Goldfields   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Agnico-Eagle to Open Gold Mine in Finland

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