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The Bawl Mill
July 2018 by Staff
• Drug smuggling tunnels filled with environmental delays and red tape
• Did we make the list?
• A whopper of an error
Melman on Gold & Silver
The greatest headline maker of the past month was not a person, not a war, not a nation and not a political contest. Instead, that honor belonged to a gooey, flammable, black substance called petroleum as it shot through $42.00 per barrel...
Prospecting for Platinum in Wyoming
Prospectors and rock hounds should consider searching for platinum-group metals, as these metals are the most precious of the precious metals. Several localities have been identified where these metals have been identified In anomalous amounts.
Bill Could Create New Silver Market
Legislation before Congress would enable the federal government to become a net silver buyer for the first time in four decades.
My Introduction To Gold Prospecting
At the end of the day, Jerry showed me how to clean out the sluice box and then how to pan out the concentrates. As we finished panning, there it was—a little tiny smile of gold...
The Bawl Mill
• So much for privacy in the great outdoors...
• It's smoky in the Smoky Mountains...
• A tale of two or three populations...
• That retirement nest egg may need to be grade A extra large...
3809 Drawing Winners
Thanks to all of you who sent comments to government extra "thank you" to all the sponsors who donated are the winners:
Gold Dredging on Oregon's South Umpqua
Familiarizing oneself with an unfamiliar part of the country is often a requirement of successful gold prospecting. In the pursuit of gold, it may become necessary for a prospector to branch out into new hunting grounds.
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Ask The Experts - How were those gold concentrate bricks made?
• Ask The Experts - What should I know about prospecting for titanium?
• Mining Pegmatite Deposits
• Legislative and Regulatory Update
• SS Central America Gives Up Millions in Gold Rush Era Gold
• Falcon Fanatic: Journey of a Novice Detectorist
• Las Médulas—The Gem of the Roman Gold Mines
• Critical Minerals: Titanium
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
PLP Update: Back to The 'Swamp' on Behalf of Small Miners