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Texas "Hill Country" Gold
December 2003 by Edgar B. Heylmun, PhD
The scenic “Hill Country,” in the heart of Texas, is a recreational area for several large cities, including San Antonio and Austin. Most of the region lies at elevations between 300 and 1,800 feet, and forms an island of igneous and metamorphic...Additional articles that might interest you...
Saving Money on Mining Gadgets
August 2009
Within your local area there is a store where you can find all sorts of handy tools for your gold mining enterprises, and at bargain basement prices.
Within your local area there is a store where you can find all sorts of handy tools for your gold mining enterprises, and at bargain basement prices.
The Bawl Mill
November 2004
• Corectting misteaks
• It pays to resign
• Corectting misteaks
• It pays to resign
The Bawl Mill
April 1999
• Do you suppose they're looking for more than pizza?...
• Ouch, that bite hurts!...
• "Don't do as I do—do as I say," seems to be the attitude of the IRS"
• Do you suppose they're looking for more than pizza?...
• Ouch, that bite hurts!...
• "Don't do as I do—do as I say," seems to be the attitude of the IRS"
Beryllium in Utah
June 2002
Much of the world’s supply of beryllium is mined by Brush-Wellman, Inc., at Spor Mountain, Utah. The district is in a harsh desert environment which receives only 6 inches of precipitation a year, barely enough to support scrubby desert growth.
Much of the world’s supply of beryllium is mined by Brush-Wellman, Inc., at Spor Mountain, Utah. The district is in a harsh desert environment which receives only 6 inches of precipitation a year, barely enough to support scrubby desert growth.
President Bush: Put ANWR Drilling in Energy Bill
November 2001
President Bush has urged Congress to adopt comprehensive energy legislation, which includes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
President Bush has urged Congress to adopt comprehensive energy legislation, which includes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
The Lost Silver Triangle of the Sierra Madre—Conclusion: Tayopa, Guaynopa, and Guaynopita
July 2008
Lieutenant Henry O. Flipper might well have been correct about the “Santa Fe de Rodríquez” being the name of what is now called Guaynopa. However, an Indian named Agustín de la Cruz, who was associated with Cristóbal Rodríquez, is credited with discovering the mine in 1741. It is probable that the Spanish settlement had indeed been found because of its rather extensive ruins.
Lieutenant Henry O. Flipper might well have been correct about the “Santa Fe de Rodríquez” being the name of what is now called Guaynopa. However, an Indian named Agustín de la Cruz, who was associated with Cristóbal Rodríquez, is credited with discovering the mine in 1741. It is probable that the Spanish settlement had indeed been found because of its rather extensive ruins.
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The Bawl Mill
• Searching for Placer Diamonds
• Lawsuit on Alleged Market Manipulation Continues
• A Guide to Overlooked Gold Deposits—Part IV
• Picks & Pans: Detecting in Northern Nevada
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