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Sixteen to One Takes on MSHA

Letter from Sixteen to One President Mike Miller to Congressman Wally Herger (Chico) requesting a Congressional investigation into the activities of the Mine Safety and Health Administration

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A Return to Silver City, Idaho

...we were able to pull out close to another 3+ ounces of small, angular Silver City gold. This also included several more small nuggets, pieces of wire gold and some quartz-gold pieces—not bad for 4 days with a small sluice.

Exchange Moves to Protect Investors from Mining Scams

Two years after the Bre-X gold mine scandal, the Toronto Stock Exchange proposed dozens of measures February 2 to protect investors from future mining-industry scams.

The Birimian Greenstone Belts of West Africa

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Cliven Bundy vs. BLM

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Woman Gets 90 Months in Mining Fraud Case

A Nevada woman was sentenced to more than seven years in federal prison for her role in an investment scheme involving claims that she could extract precious metals from volcanic cinders, officials said.

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