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Placer Gold in Russia
November 2005 by Edgar B. Heylmun, PhD
Russia is the world’s largest country, some 66 million square miles that stretch over 6,000 miles, east-west, across northern Europe and Asia. The population of 150 million is only half that of the United States, being confined mostly to the European part of Russia and the southern part of Siberia.Orko Silver Corp.
Perhaps the greatest single impression a visitor to the interior of Mexico is left with is the grinding poverty of the countryside. While there are pockets of apparent prosperity, most of the citizens appear to live in conditions of poor...
Whitehall Mine Foregoing Closure
Strong gold prices are making it profitable to keep the Golden Sunlight Mine here open through 2015, company officials said.
Captain Obvious Strikes Again
The paper’s crack reporters filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act, demanding public release of “secret” emails explaining why the Interior Department recommended, and President Trump approved, shrinking Bears’ Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante National Monuments.
Exploring A Historic Lode Mine
Climbing up the debris, I pointed my flashlight up a shaft ascending straight up as far as my light would shine. It was the stope of the pay shoot leading to the old tunnel above!
Piedmont Gold
The Piedmont region of the eastern United States extends for over 800 miles, from Alabama northeast to Pennsylvania. It includes the rolling country between the flat coastal plain to the east and the Blue Ridge Mountains to the west.
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The Bawl Mill
• The Price of Gold—Where It’s Headed and Why
• Mining Companies Competing for Labor
• Sam, the Tenderfoot Prospector
• The Rampart Goldfields, Alaska
• Tales of California Gold Discoveries 3rd in a Series—Bloody Nick The Miner
• Company Notes
• Miners Rally Successful
• Venezuela’s Chavez Halts Mining Projects
• Metal-Mineral Identification Utilizing a Detector
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
• Looking Back
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Montana Lawmakers Want Economic Review of New Mining Rule