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"No Gold Sales" Says Nevada Senator
August 1999 by Associated Press
Senator Richard Bryan (D-NV) is assuring gold producers in Nevada and around the world that Congress will block the Clinton administration's attempt to sell off international gold reserves to help some debt-laden poor countries.Ask The Experts—What is a "closed" claim?
Q: I’ve been using a computer program that lists both active and closed mining claims. Can you tell me the definition of a closed claim and why they would be shown?
Arizona Prospector Rescued from Mine Shaft
“I heard him hollering down in the hole as soon as I got there,” he said. “I was just glad to see him alive.”
How to Find Gold in Hot Ground With A VLF Detector
He didn’t recognize what he was hearing, of course, but to my ear that bank was full of small gold.
Platinum Placers and Nuggets
Sometimes a placer miner will find small bits and nuggets of metal associated with gold and other heavy minerals in his concentrates, which exhibits a silver-gray color rather than the normal tones of gold.
Prospecting Hard Rock
We panned out maybe three gold pans of the material and we were shocked at the gold that was there. This rock appeared to be rich.
Gold in Virginia
The Piedmont region of Virginia contains many old gold mines and prospects, many of which are caved, overgrown, and difficult to find. Some mines have remained sporadically active up to the present time.
Ask The Experts: Potential for developing magnesite deposit
Q: What I would like to know is how to confirm if it is magnesite and the quality.
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