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New Montana Board Moves to Halt Mining
February 2006 by Scott Harn
The Montana Board of Environmental Review has extended the comment deadline on a proposed rule for treating water discharged by mining operations. The new deadline is March 17.Additional articles that might interest you...
Prospecting Australia—Part III Anatomy of a Nugget Patch in Western Australia
December 2011
One of the most memorable nuggets I found in Australia was detected on the very last day that I was out prospecting. I was going along swinging my coil and I came across a blaring loud signal that almost blew my ears off.
One of the most memorable nuggets I found in Australia was detected on the very last day that I was out prospecting. I was going along swinging my coil and I came across a blaring loud signal that almost blew my ears off.
The Bawl Mill
July 2015
• No experience needed
• A false sense of security
• No experience needed
• A false sense of security
Our Readers Say
July 2001
“...I appreciate the details on the economics of the operation.”
“...I appreciate the details on the economics of the operation.”
ICMJ's 11th Annual Photo Contest Results
January 2002
As usual, the decision process was extremely difficult, but we managed to pick our 10 winners.
As usual, the decision process was extremely difficult, but we managed to pick our 10 winners.
Hillside Placers
July 2003
Hills and mountains that contain gold deposits will weather and erode over a long period of time, and the eroded material will move slowly downhill. Frost wedging and roots are two of several agents that can cause bedrock to be fractured and...
Hills and mountains that contain gold deposits will weather and erode over a long period of time, and the eroded material will move slowly downhill. Frost wedging and roots are two of several agents that can cause bedrock to be fractured and...
Update: People v. Rinehart
July 2016
The law is on our side, but we’ve seen some crazy rulings coming out of courtrooms lately. I believe Rinehart will win his case, but then we move on to the State Water Resources Control Board.
The law is on our side, but we’ve seen some crazy rulings coming out of courtrooms lately. I believe Rinehart will win his case, but then we move on to the State Water Resources Control Board.
Looking Back
February 2001
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.
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The Bawl Mill
• January Issues Delayed For Weeks As USPS Searches Their Facility
• The Rocks That Burn: Is Oil Shale the Answer?—Part I
• Feds Move Oil Shale to Front Burner
• Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part II Recognizing and Understanding Rock Formations (Petrology)
• The Circle Goldfields
• Newmont Looks to Ghana
• PLP President Intervenes on Behalf of Dredgers
• Samuel Franklin Hunt Nevada’s “Rio Tinto”
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices