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Gold in Kansas and Oklahoma

The Great Plains region, contrary to popular opinion, is not entirely flat. There are areas of low hills and badlands, and it is in such areas where gold has been found. The areas of interest range from 700 to 3,000 feet in elevation, with annual precipitation ranging from 15 to 40 inches, in the form of summer thunderstorms and winter snow.

Specialized Equipment Available for Hire

Since we’ve already covered the basics of permitting a “Notice Level” mining operation, it’s time to talk actual mining.

Gold in Suriname

Suriname is a former Dutch colony on the north coast of South America, with an area of 63,000 square miles and a population of 450,000. Indians inhabited the region when Spaniards first sailed the coast in 1499.

PLP Update

Public Lands for the People has agreed to support the US Supreme Court appeal with financial assistance and with the filing of an amicus brief. (We here at the Mining Journal have also agreed to participate in the amicus brief.)

Turquoise Mining—Labor Intensive, But Worthwhile

For many years, the US had a historical tradition of small-scale mining. Individuals or small groups of miners would spend part of the year working the higher-grade sections of old mines and ship the high-grade ore to smelters or...

Miners Go To Work In Washington

Nearly two decades after it was first proposed, a mine on Buckhorn Mountain in remote north-central Washington will begin producing gold-bearing ore.

Over the Divide

Lesa Dale Barton, formerly of Armadillo Mining Shop of Grants Pass, Oregon, passed away September 6, 2006 after bravely fighting cancer for several months.

Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill   • From the Editor   • Our Readers Say   • Forest Occupancy Decision Stands—US Forest Service Withdraws Appeal   • World Gold Council Launches New Gold Bullion Securities   • Epithermal Gold-Quartz Veins   • Gold in Arkansas   • Picks & Pans: Winter Prospecting and "Forty Mile" Miller   • Company Eyes Reopening Mine Near Troy   • ICMJ's 13th Annual Photo Contest   • Company Notes   • A Guide to Overlooked Gold Deposits—Part V (Conclusion)   • The Golden Highway—Calaveras County   • Melman on Gold & Silver

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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