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Melman on Gold & Silver
March 2006 by Leonard Melman
The great transition has now occurred as we move away from the Age of Fed Chairman Greenspan and into the Age of Fed Chairman Bernanke. However, Mr. Greenspan was kind enough to leave a last-minute parting gift by raising the overnight lending rate to 4.5% on his last day in office, January 31, 2006.Additional articles that might interest you...
Ask The Experts
March 2016
Estimating the gold content of ores with gold, quartz and other minerals?
Estimating the gold content of ores with gold, quartz and other minerals?
Metallic Trash—Scourge of the Prospector
July 2012
I had been busy representing the Prospecting and Mining Journal this spring, but prospecting season finally arrived and I’ve been out digging for nuggets—I’ve even found a few. I know a number of prospectors who are armed with new metal detectors and headed to the hills to look for that precious yellow stuff.
I had been busy representing the Prospecting and Mining Journal this spring, but prospecting season finally arrived and I’ve been out digging for nuggets—I’ve even found a few. I know a number of prospectors who are armed with new metal detectors and headed to the hills to look for that precious yellow stuff.
Spanish Gold Ledge Still Producing Gold
June 2013
The Gold Eye placer claims, located in the La Cholla district of Arizona, are still producing some beautiful gold. From the days of the Spanish explorers and Mexican miners, men have tunneled into the earth in search of gold in this area.
The Gold Eye placer claims, located in the La Cholla district of Arizona, are still producing some beautiful gold. From the days of the Spanish explorers and Mexican miners, men have tunneled into the earth in search of gold in this area.
Turquoise Mining—Labor Intensive, But Worthwhile
June 2005
For many years, the US had a historical tradition of small-scale mining. Individuals or small groups of miners would spend part of the year working the higher-grade sections of old mines and ship the high-grade ore to smelters or...
For many years, the US had a historical tradition of small-scale mining. Individuals or small groups of miners would spend part of the year working the higher-grade sections of old mines and ship the high-grade ore to smelters or...
Legislative and Regulatory Update
March 2006
• Meeting planned to address small-scale regulations
• Karuk Tribe update
• Oregon dredgers in their own fight over regulations
• Meeting planned to address small-scale regulations
• Karuk Tribe update
• Oregon dredgers in their own fight over regulations
Buyer Beware! Counterfeit Metal Detectors
August 2013
When I was recently in West Africa, I got to see and play with my first, phony, Chinese knock-off metal detector.
When I was recently in West Africa, I got to see and play with my first, phony, Chinese knock-off metal detector.
Corralling Those Pesky Platinum Group Metals
June 2005
Some assay beads disappear, collapse, hide under the surface, or spread out flat while being cupelled, just as the last tiny bit of liquid litharge is driven off. This is especially true of platinum, iridium and osmium, when attempting to re-bead the filtered residue from a parted bead.
Some assay beads disappear, collapse, hide under the surface, or spread out flat while being cupelled, just as the last tiny bit of liquid litharge is driven off. This is especially true of platinum, iridium and osmium, when attempting to re-bead the filtered residue from a parted bead.
Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill
• A Word from the Editor
• Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part III Understanding Plate Tectonics, Volcanism and Mountain Building
• The Fortymile Goldfields
• The Rocks that Burn—Part II Is Oil Shale the Answer?
• Record Interest at Recent Mining Conventions
• Common Operations—Small-Scale Mining and Sharing the "Take"
• Trout Thriving In Treated Mine Water
• Company Notes
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices