Money & Markets
Melman on Gold & Silver
May 2019 by Leonard Melman
…At present we may be entering a period of relative stability on many economic fronts and, therefore, our focus is now trending more toward social upheaval and the resultant increase in tensions as the prime movers for the precious metals.
Mining, Health Care & Taxes
Like it or not, the US Supreme Court has ruled and the so-called “Affordable Care Act” (ACA) is now the law of the land—and the Tax Code. What’s more, despite the promises of many politicians to repeal it, it may be around in some form for years to come.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
…money creation by central banks… could even accelerate further as governments desperately seek to stimulate some sort of powerful economic growth. Historically, rapid money creation rates have been positive for gold and silver.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Melman on Gold & Silver
...for the most part, visible price inflation has remained dormant for the most of that period of time. This state of affairs would appear to contradict both monetary history and typical cause and effect reasoning. Even the Fed has expressed some surprise and concern regarding the matter.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
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