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Legislation & Regulation

Legislative Update

© ICMJ's Prospecting and Mining Journal, CMJ Inc.
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Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Idaho miners will challenge new EPA permit at rally
• California proposes to amend definition of a suction dredge
• Proposed rule redefines "navigable waters"

Utah Approves funds to Fight Feds

Republican legislators say the funding is necessary to protect state interests...

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• CA Fish & Game Final SEIR
• Positive news from California?
• Still no results in Wisconsin
• Give us back our lands

It's Time to Get the Heck Out of China

We are at a crossroads; either we establish the mining, production and refining of rare earth elements here in the US or we remain subjected to the whims of the Chinese government.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • Proposed budget for EPA
  • California SB 1222
  • 640 million acres and counting
  • Gold and silver bullion

EPA Reopens Comments on Pebble Project

The settlement did not grant an immediate approval for the project, but it did begin to clear the way for the company to apply for federal permits—a path the Obama administration previously had thwarted.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Conformation for some
• Congress canceling regulations

Subscription Required:
The Idaho Gamble Part 1   • High and Dry: Tips for Prospecting Hillside Deposits   • The Big Picture   • Taking Advantage of the Desert Rains   • Odd People and Other Desert Animals   • Extreme Environmentalists Push for National Monument Designation   • Did The Gold Bull Market Just Start With A Jolt?

The Bawl Mill   • ICMJ Visits the Ghost Town of Bodie, California


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